Women of Wilcrest

Welcome to the Women of Wilcrest page! 

We invite you to look through our pictures and events and join us as we seek to deepen our relationship with God and intentionally connect with each other. We believe that women have a special place in God's kingdom to encourage, teach, and serve. In the business of our world today, it is easy to feel alone and disconnected from people and from our Creator. Our prayer is that you would find a place to belong in our diverse community and that you would know that you are not alone. 

To keep up with the latest news, prayer requests, and event alerts join apply online to join our Facebook Group: Women of Wilcrest. We accept everyone, but have added some privacy restrictions to encourage open sharing and to discourage spam. All women are welcome!


  • Women of Wilcrest Special Events

    We've always got something fun to look forward to! 

    Connect & Grow Ladies' Brunch on May 4 at 10 a.m.: click here to register

    Ladies' Retreat Weekend Getaway in April: click here to register

  • Women's Sunday Morning Bible study

    The ladies class meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 am. We go through a book of the Bible, pray, and enjoy one another’s company. We would love to have you come study with us! 

  • Weekly Wednesday Devotional

    Wednesdays @ 10 a.m. in the Chapel

    Facilitated by Karen Maness

    Come join us as we study the Bible together. This is a casual small group who welcomes all newcomers!

  • Ladies' Retreat

    Join us on Saturday April, 26 for a worship filled day. We will meet in the sanctuary at Wilcrest Baptist Church.