Prayer & Bible Study

Wednesdays @ 6 p.m.

All adults are invited to join us each Wednesday evening as we study God's Word, share prayer requests and praises, and then pray together. 

"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." ~Acts 2:42

Sunday School Classes for Adults

Connecting with a small group of believers to study God's word is one of the best ways you can grow in your walk with Christ. We've got lots of Sunday morning classes to choose from--some grouped by age or stage of life, others by topic of study. You don't need to sign up or RSVP, just show up on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. ready to learn and we'll help you find the class that's right for you.

For more information on any of these classes, message

  • Encourager Class

    Led by Ming He (pictured here with his wife, Lily)

    A firm foundation of biblical knowledge is an essential part of your spiritual growth. With a casual atmosphere that welcomes even the most basic of questions, this class is a great place to begin to learn to study the bible and how to apply it to your life.

  • Life application of the Word

    Led by Steve Smith (pictured here with his wife, Deborah)

    This class is an interactive lecture presented in an energetic format. The discussions are enhanced by personal stories, experiences, and illustrations meant to provide real-life application of the lesson points to the world we live in and the struggles we face. Most of our class members are between ages 40 and 60, but all are welcome. Discussion participation is highly encouraged in this class! We follow the standard quarterly curriculum.

  • Young adults Class

    Led by Darren Clark and Dillon and Brittani Bloodworth

    This family of believers aims to put the Lord Jesus Christ first before all things and glorifies Him in word and deed. If you are single in status and around 20 to 30, our family is sure to be the place for you as you seek to grow deeper in your understanding of God, seek avenues for service, and crave to socially interact with other young believers. Click here to learn more.

  • Discipleship essentials

    Led by Dr. Michael Cook, HCU Professor (pictured here with his wife, Karen)

    We are a group of diverse ages and backgrounds who deeply desire to learn what it means to be disciples of Christ. We’ll cover the essentials of discipleship with respect to biblical and historical Christian practice and belief. Come join us if you want to go deeper in your Christian faith.

  • Ladies' Class

    Led by Marilyn Rhoads & Barbara Walker

    All ladies are welcome to join us! Our goal is to worship God by presenting our whole body and mind to Him as a sacrifice in order to be transformed by the renewing of the mind (Romans 12:1-2). There is much joy in coming together as the body with our different gifts and experiences with the purpose to study the scriptures. Each week we strive to better understand the bible so that God may powerfully reveal Himself to us and change us by His grace.

  • Biblical Connections (Men's Class)

    Led by Matt Alberici

    We're a group of men who like to study the word of God in an interactive format. Our discussions revolve around how the passages apply to our daily lives and our spiritual growth. We welcome anyone who would like to study and share with us.

  • ClasE de español

    Led by Cesar Ayala (en la foto aquí con su esposa, Becky)

    Esta clase está disponible para todos los que deseen aprender y profundizarse más en la palabra de Dios. Se utilizan Estudios Bíblicos Lifeway para adultos los cuales siguen una seria de lecciones progresivas con el objetivo de crecer en conocimiento de la palabra de Dios y sobretodo espiritualmente.