Children's Ministry

We are so excited about what God is doing in the Children's Ministry at Wilcrest! God is doing a mighty work in His ministry with our children. Come be a part and register your children today.

For more information message Children’s Pastor Scott Lester:


Children's Ministry Mission Statement

The Children's Ministry of Wilcrest Baptist Church strives to share the Gospel with children, lead them to respond in faith, and help them grow in obedience to God’s Word, and equip families to establish Christ-centered, faith-living homes.

Children’s Ministry Core Values

Christ-centered - We commit to promoting a Christ-centered focus in the midst of a “me-centered” culture. 

Bible Based - We commit to providing a solid biblical foundation for our children through the study of God’s Word and its application to their lives.

Intentional Relationships - We commit to promoting a culture where we recognize that each child, teacher, and parent is a person of infinite dignity and worth and value each child and the unique personalities and gifts God has given them. 

Family Equipping - God desires that the home be the primary place of discipleship and the church partner in this process.  We commit to equipping each family to lead the discipleship process and be intimately involved in their child’s spiritual growth. 

Great Commission Focused - We commit to challenging our children to “make disciples” by praying for their unsaved friends and talking to their friends about Jesus. We also commit to helping our children develop a global perspective on missions, create opportunities to learn of God’s work around the world, and provide ways for them to be involved.

Leadership Development— We commit to ongoing training to provide instruction that is biblically accurate and developmentally appropriate and to prayerfully invest in each child’s life.  We commit to helping each child to understand how God has gifted them and utilize those gifts in service to others.

Come join the fun!

Gospel Kids

Wednesday Nights @ 6 p.m. 


In Gospel Kids, we are raising a generation of Christ followers to fulfill the Great Commission by connecting them with God, His Word, and His work around the world.  Kids K-5th grade, join us for a time of discipleship, games, crafts and mission activities.  


Come check out the latest and see for yourself why kids can't wait to come to Gospel Kids! 

Sunday School

Sunday Mornings, 9:30-10:30AM

K-5th Grade: Children learn about the attributes of God, what it means to trust in His promises, God's redemptive plan through Jesus Christ, and the process by which a Christian becomes more and more conformed to the likeness of Jesus. 

The Bridge: Children's Church

Sunday Mornings @ 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Please note: The Bridge will not meet the first or last Sunday of the month, allowing the children to observe our Lord's Supper & Baptism services


The Bridge is a place where children in Kinder-5th grade learn what it means to worship through the reading of God's Word, singing, prayer, serving, and giving sacrificially. Leaders will provide a worship experience that mirrors our main worship service while parents attend worship in the main building. The messages align with the sermons that are preached in our worship services. 


Our prayer is that The Bridge will provide an environment that equips all children to become Christ followers who love God with all their hearts and have a passion to share the Gospel with others.  Sunday School teachers will escort children to The Bridge immediately following Sunday School. 


We ask that parents pick up their children immediately following the service. 

Vision of Discipleship

We believe the Lord has called us to Christ-centered, faith-living families who enjoy and celebrate discipleship, worship, and missions in the home. Our children's ministry hopes to come alongside families and encourage them in this Gospel Family journey through prayer, discipleship, counsel, and simply sharing life. 


Jesus called them to him, saying, 'Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them,

for to such belongs the kingdom of God.'  - Luke 18:16